Wanna Connect With Me...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I Demand The Unthinkable!

Some needs are basic and simple. 
Others are convoluted and heavy. 
As I drift away from the simple, 
I find myself clutching the nuances and complexities. 
I urge myself to believe that the simple will not do. 
I demand the difficult, the hard-to-find, the unthinkable. 

Everyone hushs and shushs me. 
Tell me I am expecting too much. 
I am warned of loneliness and detachment. 
I hush and shush them in return. 
I will not let this go. 

I demand nothing short of exceptional. 
I am willing to give up a lot of mediocre for it. 
I am willing to fight battles for it. 
It would possibly lead to being labelled crazy. 

But I am sure it will be worth it. 

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