1. The
It is the world's biggest economy and by far in terms of spending and power. The World’s strongest army, the most powerful democracy, and the media centre of the world, plus in many ways the centre of world diplomacy and foreign relations. This easily makes
It has the second largest army and a puppeteer of many Central Asian states. The largest European population, and largest world area, which gives it immense control over itself, and immense levels of independence. The size of
The 4th or 2nd largest GNP (Gross National Product) depending on different measures (Either normal measures, or ones which cancel out misleading totals for currency values, in that later case China places second) a recent riser, above France and Britain, It also has established itself as having nukes. A huge army, and is becoming even more of an international power, as of the resource hungry booming economy, though even if that stalled, it would still be 3rd, as of other advantages.
Plus massively the largest population in the world, and like the above 2 is a UN Security council member.

The fifth republic has UN Security Council membership, is a nuclear power and has a lot of influence over
UN security council status, nuclear weapons, G7 economy, a leading democratic state, and a media from music, to actors centre, that has a lot of influence over the world as of its popularity. Membership of the EU adds to its power.
The most populous democracy, a growing economy, a nuke weapons carrier, and as the Second most populous country on Earth it has the morals way.
The State of Japan has the second largest economy, and a big democracy, but rammed in by
It is the World's third largest economy. EU member, of the 27 European Union countries, but hampered in influence of World War II, and World War I, which affected Germany's moral position in the world, and reduced German influence on many areas of the world,
Second largest Muslim country, largest in the area where most Muslim lands are, has nuclear weapons, and a quite united nationality.
It is the largest Latin American country, Largest Portuguese speaking land, good relations globally. It is also the biggest power in Africa,
Changes expected for 2009 include
If it was upto me, I would swap france and japan, GB with germany,take out pakistan,put israel in there.
But anyways good effort in putting together a list.Throwing stones is easy like I do,composing is difficult.Good job.
Thanks Bro...
Your List Is not true
visit GFP website for true list
the list is in accordance to my judgment...I do not have to take inputs from reference websites...then y am I writing this on my blog...anyways...the list is according to my take on the superpowers...
I know u jealous to China.So,instead of China second place u put Russia there.
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