In these years of my existence in ignorance and trying to know things better, I have learnt life in quite an unusual way. Unusual for the fact that, my childhood though extravagant and satisfying has been a mystery in its survival. I have grown under the impressions of spirituality, religion, disgust, hate and above all Love & Blessings. I somehow feel, today my existence is more to do with the Love & Blessings of my Mother and my Grandmother. I have done nothing merely good to deserve what I have today. But that said, I have off late built a persona of confidence and trust, and deserve to hold my head high. The reason I start this blog today is to burn out my thoughts piled up in my brain over all these years.
To start off today, I present to you, things I feel every individual would have learnt or would do during the course of his life. I have been fortunate enough to see things the way they are at this early age. I am listing out things that I personally came to understand and believe in. Your list could be totally different. Perhaps you only have a few, it doesn't matter. The key is that you learn from your life, your failures and your successes. Neglect any one of those and you are taking a rocky road to learning and personal development.
Negativity will only bring more of it: When you focus only on negativity, obviously that's all you will see. You will not seek out positivity, and even when positivity comes into your life, you'll look for the negative part of it.
Where you are does not determine where you can go: It doesn't matter if you're homeless or living in a mansion, poor or rich, or if you have a 4.0 grade point average or "failing", it won't make any difference in the future. There are countless rags to riches stories to back this point up. If you have the drive and talents, you can go anywhere. You create your own limitations and horizon.
If you can't help others, you can't help yourself: Even if it's just to hold the door for someone or some other simple gesture, it will do wonders for your life. You'll feel great and you'll eventually be returned the favor sometime during your life, whether you realize it or not. If you don't want to help others, then others won't want to help you, and nor should they.
Follow your passion, money will follow: If you have passion and have fun doing your job, then I wouldn't consider it a job. You can focus on creating even more passion for that subject and money will eventually follow you. If you focus only on the money, it won't come because you're focused on the quantity of your work and not the quality.
Enjoy yourself: Have fun as much as possible, don't take everything so seriously. Push your worries aside and bring enjoyment closer.
If it were easy everyone would do it: This is why get rich quick schemes will never be true. If it was so quick and easy then everyone would be millionaires. Making money and accomplishing tasks is hard work, but well worth it.
Planning is good but so is being spontaneous: Planning ahead in life is important but so is being able to quickly change that plan. Various people and events will get in the way of your plans, so you have to be able to modify or forget your plans at times. Be spontaneous once and awhile, it makes life interesting.
Don't work hard without rewards: What's the point of working hard to follow your dreams if you aren't going to treat yourself along the way. Each little or big goal you accomplish should be rewarded with a proportionate treat, maybe a day off or a big slice of cake. Something I really believe in.
Money does not bring happiness: As I said, you shouldn't be chasing money but when you do earn it, you know you've been accomplishing something. But it should never overpower the actual things that bring you happiness because you know you'll have more freedom and time to do what you want.
Someone always has it worse: At times you may be having a bad day, but stop yourself and think about it; there has to be millions of other people are having a worse day than you.
Being open-minded is the key to more knowledge: If you want to know more about the world you have to be open-minded. "Give everything a chance".
Failure is great: One of the most important, if not the most important steps to success is failure. You have to fail at least once, but it's better if you've failed multiple times. You can learn so much more from your failures than you could any other way. And when you finally achieve success, you'll appreciate it so much more.
Most people are actually nice: This is something I've only recently realized. The tendency is to curse anybody you relate with as a stranger. Most people are nice, but not usually to strangers. Once they get to know you and you get to know them, they will most likely seem like very nice people.
Words and thoughts control everything: What you say and think will ultimately become reality. If you say you're going to fail, then you will because you'll find a way to make it happen. If you say you're going to succeed, the same will happen, you'll find a way.
Your view is the reality: How you see an event or situation is how it exists. If you see something as tragic and negative then that's what it means to you. If you see something as exciting and positive, then that's what it is.
Inspiration and motivation are everywhere: I don't care where you are, there is something there that can motivate and inspire you. You can be at war in some far away country, in horrible conditions, but there will be something there to keep you going and strive for something better. You just have to recognize it and keep it with you.
You can change the world: Every single person has the ability to change the world whether directly or indirectly. When you change your life and the lives of those around you, you've changed the world. Small things that you do can make a huge impact on the world.
Be The Change You Want To See In This WORLD!!!
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